Yale Whiffenpoofs Concert
Tuesday 11 OCT | 8 PM
This summer, MCC Toronto received a call from the Yale Whiffenpoofs saying they would be in Toronto and might we be interested in hosting them? We said yes!
The Yale Whiffenpoofs are North America’s oldest collegiate a cappella group. Founded over a hundred years ago, the Whiffenpoofs have performed before US Presidents, been on television (Glee) and toured around the world. And soon they will be performing before our MCC Toronto family in a special performance hosted by Jason Jestadt, MCC Toronto’s Music Director.
Event details:
Yale Whiffenpoofs Concert
MCC Toronto Sanctuary | Oct 11 | 8 PM | Doors open at 7:30 PM
This special Concert is a Pay What You Can (PWYC) opportunity. All donations at the door will go in support of MCC Toronto’s Music Ministry.
All are invited. Please join us!